Jonah Lomu Remembered

Jonah Lomu Remembered

As the second anniversary of the passing of global rugby superstar Jonah Lomu approaches his wife and children honour the memory of their husband and father.

Jonah’s widow Nadene Lomu said “It has been an exceptionally difficult time for us all since Jonah passed and we are grateful for the support we have received.  My heart goes out to anyone that has been through what we have. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t miss him.  Jonah and I will always be together in spirit and I’m focused on fulfilling his dreams which we were working on together to achieve.  I have also been working on my cosmetics company which has helped me through my grief.

“Brayley and Dhyreille are doing as well as can be, but there is no escaping how hard it is on them and they will continue to be my priority.  I am also thankful to my parents for relocating from Wellington to Auckland to help us”.

Nadene Lomu confirmed that the headstone for Jonah has been paid for but the unveiling date will be a private matter for the family and has yet to be decided.

Family friend Eric Rush echoed Nadene’s sentiments saying “Two years on we still miss the big fella.  We all still struggle with his untimely death, but our main focus is his two sons.”

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